Send Your PayPal IPN To Multiple End Points!

Shop Owner

$ 4
  • 1 forwarder
  • 4 urls for each forwarder
  • 1000 ipn's a month
  • First 30 days free!

Multiple Shops Owner

$ 26
  • 5 forwarders
  • 8 urls for each forwarder
  • 3000 ipn's a month
  • First 30 days Free!


$ 49
  • 10 forwarders
  • 5 urls for each forwarder
  • 6000 ipn's a month
  • First 30 days Free!​


$ 189
  • 40 forwarders
  • 6 urls for each forwarder
  • 14000 ipn's a month
  • First 30 days Free!​

Need More?

Why do you need it?

Because PayPal won’t let you send your IPN’s to more then one Endpoint. so for example if you have multiple Ecommerce sites and you need each one of them to get a “completed Payment” ipn you can’t. and now with our service you can! Easily!

Is it easy to setup?

Easier then tying your shoes!

Will it work with my Automated service?

Yes, it will, if your invoices service supports ipn.

How many forwarders do i need?

Generally speaking you need one forwarder for each PayPal account.

Will it work with my Automated service?

Yes, it will, if your invoices service supports ipn.

Can i cancel anytime?

Yes you can! when every you decide to.

Need Help?

We are Here To Assist You

Something isn’t Clear?

Feel free to contact us, and I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.

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